This plot illustrates the difference between Arbin and another leading manufacturer. The two distinct dips in the plot may have been missed using an inferior tester. While many companies try to sell the same antiquated equipment for over a decade, Arbin has been hard at work improving our designs to meet future industry demands. We learned a lot during our three year ARPA-E project and have implemented this new technology in our LBTand HPT product series. The HPT systems represent our premium product, but LBT is superior to all other standard testers on the market.
Please see our HPT Product Series to learn more.
What Affects Tester Precision |
Arbin Tester Improvements |
Measurement precision is more critical for long‐term testing and long‐term projections than control accuracy alone. Most other battery testing systems do not correctly specify their precision and/or have relatively poor precision, which hinder the conclusions drawn from results data. important trends and electrochemical indicators may remain unnoticed; lost in the measurement noise as illustrated above.
Our hope is that these higher degrees of measurement precision will lead to new discoveries and characterization metrics across the energy storage industry for all organizations, not only those looking at coulombic efficiency as a key indicator.